
Monica was organizing her things while I was doing house chores. An occurance that often catches me off guard a bit.

“Monica, you are so good at details.”

“Mom, what are details?”, she asked.

I smiled because I knew that she wasn’t asking the definition of the word, but rather the practical appilcation of it, and how she fit into that experience. I was so proud of her critical thinking skills. She is six years old! She is already wanting to know her place in this world, and how she can make it an even better existence.

“Details”, I told her, “are the small parts of life that make a profound impact on how we experience life.”

She smiled coyly, and ironically didn’t ask for the meaning of the words, “profound” or “impact”. She got the picture. She just wanted to know what she does well, and why I would point it out to her.

She makes a positive impact on how I experience life. And that made her proud. And confident! As it should!

It made me think of how we all have a unique and profound way of impacting not only how we experience life, but also how we impact the experience of others. What details are you focussed on? It affects more than just yourself.

If for instance, I am focussed on working out because I have a low sense of self-worth, and my motivation to excercise is so that I look better to gain the approval of others, I have news: my motivation will peter out like a camp fire on a rainy day. Why? Simply because my motivation was fueled by my own negative view.

So, what’s wrong with that? At least it’s motivation. At least there is something driving the reason why I excercise.

The answer is simple. Are you ready? My desperate attempt to be happy with myself, so others will hopefully be happy with me, will drain me of motivation faster than I can sign up for the latest fad diet and excercise plan. Negativity will never produce positive results. Not long term at least. There’s a better, more sustainable way.

Change the details that I am focussing on. Instead of, “I hate how my body looks. I wish someone would love me for me”, try, “I want to change how I feel about myself”, or, “I want to watch myself become who I’m meant to be; body, mind, and spirit”. When I give myself a reason outside of my unhealthy view of me, to continue to stay healthy, the driving force becomes powerful. The reason becomes more important and attainable. It becomes impactful to myself, and then to those around me. I begin to choose a healthy reason to stay active, instead of the negative ones. Positivity and a perspective that is bigger than myself, creates a movement. I give myself permission to love who I am and show others that they can love themselves too. The details are important for a well rounded and powerful existence. When I realize that positivity creates productivity, we all benefit. I inspire others to be a better version of themselves, and I glean more inspiration and motivation to continue keeping myself healthy. For me, and for those around me.

So, let’s be critical thinkers today. What details are you focussed on? And how can you change your perspective so that you can have a profound impact on how you experience life? Then let that fuel the movement that you have the ability to profoundly impact the life experience of those around you!

Published by Michelle W

I’m walking a journey just like the next person. In pursuit of who I was meant to be, discovering whose I am; more deeply than ever before. My hope for Relentless Rise is to share what I have learned while running the good race, even when colliding with the reality of needing to rise from the ashes of divorce due to abuse. If you find yourself wondering if you or someone you love is in an abusive relationship, but are paralyzed by the “what if’s”, join me in my journey to discovering that God’s Grace is still enough. His heart is for you. And you are profoundly loved, cherished, and protected by his righteous hand. There is hope! And your voice is not drowned out to His ear. So, let’s link arms and blaze this trail together! We were never meant to live life alone. Live accordingly. Much love, Michelle W

4 thoughts on “Details

  1. This is exactly what I needed. I read this last night before bed. It really hit home. We all have to do a better job at speaking life into ourselves and not projecting bad energy or negative self talk. We can’t rise up and be what God has intended us to be if we are constantly beating ourselves up. I have to pay better attention to the details of my life to ensure I’m projecting light to myself and others. Thank you for this!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so glad it met you! You have so much God-given talent, and I’m glad I was able to be the reminder to you of your potential. Keep moving forward. Realize your impact. Go confidently with God, and change the world!


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