
Hello, my name is Michelle! Thank you for visiting my blog!

I’m walking a journey just like the next person. In pursuit of who I was meant to be; discovering whose I am, more deeply than ever before. My hope for Relentless Rise is to share what I have learned while running the good race, even when colliding with the reality of needing to rise from the ashes of divorce due to abuse.
If you find yourself wondering if you or someone you love is in an abusive relationship, but are paralyzed by the “what if’s”, join me in my journey to discovering that God’s Grace is still enough. His heart is for you. And you are profoundly loved, cherished, and protected by his righteous hand. There is hope! And your voice is not drowned out to His ear.
So, let’s link arms and blaze this trail together! We were never meant to live life alone. Live accordingly.
Much love,
Michelle W