Where There Is Truth, There Is Freedom!

Psalm 40:11 “Do not withhold your mercy from me, O lord; may your love and your truth always protect me.” Even today, I struggle to remember the truth. Some days are just hard. As I lay in my bed, tears streaming down my face, the lies came back. I was tired from a late night,Continue reading “Where There Is Truth, There Is Freedom!”

The Relativity Of Value

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had the question run through your head, “What do I contribute to this world?” We all ask ourselves this. Or something similar. Essentially, we are probing at our value. Now, ponder with me for just a second as I take you down a spaghetti trail through my analyticalContinue reading “The Relativity Of Value”

A Wounded Mindset

How do you view yourself? I mean, do you feel that you “deserve” happiness? Uh oh. I just made some of you really uncomfortable, didn’t I? Isn’t the Christian phraseology supposed to go something like, “I feel blessed”, or “If God wills it”? But, deserve? I’m not sure that’s theologically conducive to a purist mentality.Continue reading “A Wounded Mindset”

The Myth of Defeat

What is it about the thought of possible defeat that either makes me want to run, or on other occassions, put my fists up and start throwing punches? Fight or flight. A defense mechanism that occurs when a threat is posed. What makes the difference mentally? Why is my mind wanting to choose so instinctually,Continue reading “The Myth of Defeat”